Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I had this sudden urge to start my very own blog today. which is weird, but non-the-less, a relief.

Reason being, i was constantly being persuaded by my friends to start a blog and the idea of writing for public viewing gives me the *shivers* and also because i was somewhat inspired by this illustrator i found online a few days back. Her works are A-mazing! But it sucks though, she makes me feel unaccomplished. =( darn it.

I would be lying if i told you, I'm not nervous at all, but i am, sort of.

So, erm...

i'll write better stuffs in posts to come.


shareena said...

hey hey hey ;)

your first ever comment bebeh!

now hit me back!

juliana ibrahim said...

Yayy!! my first ever comment..*sniff sniff* haha